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The after-school and summer school programs of PasadenaLEARNs offer engaging enrichment, leadership, and learning opportunities for K-12 students in the Pasadena Unified School District. Activities complement the school day and include homework help, leadership, visual and performing arts classes, structured recreation, academic enrichment activities, and literacy development. Field trips are a regular feature of PasadenaLEARNs' spring break and summer programs.

PasadenaLEARNs serves approximately 3,000 students daily at 23 school sites in PUSD. The program operates every regular school day from dismissal until at least 5 pm. We are so excited to serve you here at Blair! GO VIKINGS!

At Blair, we offer enrichment opportunities for grades 6-8. We are currently offering enrichment courses on subjects such as art, cooking, origami, STEM, and films! We are always trying to integrate learning with activities your students will enjoy! We also have organized movement activities for students who love being outside to play. There is something here for every student!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the BlairLEARNs Site Coordinator: Estephanie Mendez at (626) 396-5820 Ext. 80037.