International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme
Find full details about IBCP here.
This website has full details about requirements and is useful for students interested in the program.
What is IBCP?
The International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme (IBCP) helps students develop career related skills and fosters life-long learning. It allows students to take rigorous IB Diploma Programme courses while still engaging in career-related learning. For more information directly from IBO, please review the information on the IBO website.
Benefits of the IBCP
All HCA students grow in collaboration, creativity and critical thinking through the nature of the courses offered during the student’s four years in the academy and our teacher’s focus on integrated projects. They have opportunities to communicate to a variety of audiences including their peers and others from outside of the school through these projects. Internships provide opportunities for applying their classroom skills learning in the real world.
Students who choose to participate in IBCP have additional benefits, including:
- Students have the opportunity to take challenging IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) courses while still pursuing their interest in health careers.
- Develop communication skills for health careers, both in English and Spanish
- Encourages global-mindedness
- Demonstrate high levels of resiliency and flexibility
- Consider new perspectives and points of view
Requirements of the IBCP
In order to graduate from the IBCP, students are required to complete two IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) courses, a Personal and Professional Skills course, service learning, the reflective project, and language development.
IBDP Courses:
Students are required to complete at least two IBDP courses with a score of 3 or higher on a scale of 7 (assigned through a combination of internal assessment at school and external assessment through the IB course test). IBCP students are required take at least one higher level (240 hour) course and one standard level (150 hour) course in different academic disciplines.
Personal and Professional Skills course:
Offered at Blair though the Health Careers Academy CTE course during the senior year, students have the opportunity to develop workplace skills, attitudes and strategies for now and the future.
Service Learning:
Students work to identify and meet a real community need. This is more rigorous than just the traditional internship, as students are required to complete a portfolio to document their engagement in the service learning task of their own choosing.
Reflective Project:
Students are required to identify, research and analyze an ethical dilemma related to the healthcare field, and present that work either with an essay or an essay in combination with another presentation means (recorded skit, interview, video, or other.)
Language Development:
Students complete at least level three second language with inclusion of health care vocabulary and situations in the course. Blair will offer this option through our Spanish language courses.