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Health Careers Academy

Welcome to the Health Careers Academy at Blair.

Health Academy at HOSA Competition
Are you interested pursuing a career in the health professions or developing career skills that could translate to many different fields? 


The Health Careers Academy provides students with:

  • A strong academic foundation through rigorous instruction.
  • Technical core instruction with industry-specific technical training and certifications.
  • Support services through student-centered instruction, additional academic, college, and career counseling
  • Work-based learning experiences through guest-speakers, field studies, job shadows, mentors, internships and more!

The Health Careers Academy (HCA) is a four-year program, grades 9-12.

HCA course offerings include IB Sports Exercise and Health Science, an IB Diploma Programme Standard Level Course. This IB course is available to Blair 11th and 12th graders in HCA or not.

Photo at right: Students from the Health Careers Academy annually participate in HOSA competitions (Health Occupations Students of America).  Blair HCA students compete in various events, including CPR/First Aid, Sports Medicine, Nursing Assisting, and Extemporaneous Health Poster.

For more information about the Health Careers Academy, contact Ms. Tamar Vega