Policies and Procedures
See details from the school Registrar here.
Students with good attendance records achieve higher grades and are more successful in their pursuit of higher education. When a student is absent from school for any reason, the parent must call and notify the Attendance Office personnel. A phone call to (626) 396-5820 ext 80079 on the day of absence is preferred. Absences must be cleared within three school days once the student has returned to school.
See specific details from the Attendance Clerk here.
Mobile Communication Device Policy
September 2022
Blair’s Cell Phone policy was established to conform with the policy established by the Board of Education in March 2022. (BP 5131.8) Electronic devices include, but are not limited to: cell phones, Chromebooks, laptops, cameras, iPods/MP3 players, laptops/tablets, portable speakers, handheld electronic games, headphones/earbuds, etc. Blair administration recognizes that the use of smartphones and other mobile communication devices on campus may be beneficial to student learning and well-being, but could be disruptive of the instructional program in some circumstances. The Blair administration permits limited use of mobile communication devices on campus in accordance with law and other Board policies related to safety, academic honesty, and positive school climate.
Students may use cell phones, smart watches, earbuds, headphones, or other mobile communication devices on campus during non instructional time as long as the device is utilized in accordance with law and any rules established by Blair administration. All mobile communication devices shall be turned off during instructional time.
A student shall not be prohibited from possessing or using a mobile communication device under any of the following circumstances:
In the case of an emergency, or in response to a perceived threat of danger
When a teacher or administrator grants permission to the student to possess or use a mobile communication device, subject to any reasonable limitation imposed by that teacher or administrator
When a licensed physician or surgeon determines that the possession or use is necessary for the student's health and well-being
When the possession or use is required by the student's individualized education program
Smartphones and other mobile communication devices shall not be used in any manner which infringes on the privacy rights or safety of any other person. It is illegal to record, post or take pictures of someone without their permission. Recordings, social media postings or taking pictures of another person without their permission is not permitted.
When a student uses a mobile communication device in an unauthorized manner, the student may be disciplined and a staff member may confiscate the device for a limited period of time. Classroom teachers will maintain the following classroom expectations and consequences in relation to misuse of electronic devices.
Confiscate the device until the class period is over.
Call parents after three offenses of misuse.
Referral to the Office after the third misuse.
A student may also be subject to discipline, in accordance with law, Board policy, or administrative regulation, for off-campus use of a mobile communication device which poses a threat or danger to the safety of students, staff, or district property or substantially disrupts school activities.
Students and their parents/guardians take full responsibility for any and all electronic devices which the student may bring to school. In no event or circumstance will the district or its staff be held responsible or liable for the loss, theft or damage to any such device. The school is not responsible for a student's mobile communication device which is brought on campus or to a school activity and is lost, stolen, or damaged.
Blair is a CLOSED CAMPUS. That means that no student may leave the campus without a permission slip from the Attendance Office which indicates the reason and time for dismissal. Any student leaving without the permission slip will be considered truant.
- Prior to the time you wish to leave, bring in a note signed by the parent/guardian to the Attendance Office. It should state the reason and time to leave school.
- Pick up the blue permission slip at the Attendance Office before leaving.
- Students who become ill during the school day should report to the Health Office. If it is necessary to leave, parental permission will be sought first by Health Office personnel.
We are committed to providing a safe environment for all students, including peak times during the day such as morning drop off and afternoon pickup.
While driving in the vicinity of our school the following actions are unsafe and against driving and pedestrian best practices:
- Parking in a neighbor’s driveway or on the street in a manner blocking the traffic.
- Moving or removing trash cans.
- Parking in the traffic lane on Marengo, Allendale, Euclid or Wallis. (You will need to circle the block if the traffic is backed up).
- Making a U-turn on Marengo, Allendale, Euclid or Wallis after dropping off or picking up your children.
If your 1st period class is on the C Building campus (Middle School), please use the drop off zone on Allendale. From Marengo, head east on Allendale. The drop off zone is on the south side of Allendale.
Traffic through the C Campus (Middle School side) parking lot is now one way the entire day. The C Campus parking lot can only be entered from Allendale Road. Exit the parking lot onto Marengo Avenue.
The school wishes to cooperate with students and parents in case of an emergency, however, miscellaneous messages cannot be delivered during the school day. Appointments or other activities after school, should be reviewed with parents outside of school time, as only in the case of a true emergency will the school try to deliver personal messages.
Along with delivering a quality education, the safety and security of students, employees, and visitors to our school is a high priority with the Board of Education. Therefore, the school district has adopted a Student Search Policy. In order to assure that the campuses are free of guns, knives, and other weapons, drugs, and any contraband items, the school is allowed to conduct random searches of students, their bags, backpacks, P.E. locker, school locker, and automobile.
Blair High School uses hand-held metal detectors to conduct random searches at school and at school events during and after school hours. These searches will be conducted regularly and randomly throughout the school year. The purpose of the searches is to deter students from bringing weapons to school , such as knives, guns, or any other items which might cause harm or injury. Students are asked to cooperate with the random search program. Failure to cooperate will result in suspension from school.
Pasadena Unified School District policy prohibits sexual harassment from occurring among its employees and/or students, and will make efforts to prevent it from happening by advising its employees and/or students, of its prohibitions, handbooks, and conversations.
TAP (Transit Access Pass) cards for eligible students are processed at the Student Store, and application forms for discounted passes may be picked up at the Student Store. Read more.
Blair has two Health Office locations. One Health Office is located on the Blair East side at the Main Office and the a Health Office is located in the C building at the Middle School Office. Students must get a pass from their teacher to go to the Health Office. See more here.
Please read over the dress code policy.
An ASB Card is a Blair student's passport to entertainment and admission benefits, and funds student activities. Learn more.
All students will be provided with a numbered student identification card at the beginning of the school year. Please remember that you are required to carry a picture I.D. card with you at all times, whether an A.S.B. card or your Student I.D. card. A replacement card costs $5.00 and is available in the Activity Office.
To be eligible for participation in activities outside of the classroom, such as athletics, band, pep squads, A.S.B. student government, and class officers, a student must have an academic grade point average (G.P.A.) of at least a "C" (2.0), and a citizenship grade average of at least an "S" (2.0). A ten-week probation period may be granted once per school year upon request from the Athletic Director.
School club rules may be even more stringent than this guideline. Please feel free to ask a Blair administrator if you have any questions regarding this policy.
All students are eligible to participate in extra-curricular, school-sponsored activities ( e.g. sports, performing arts groups, school events, and dances, etc.) if they meet and maintain the following eligibility requirements:
- No more than 2 F's in the last reporting period.
- No more than 2 U's in the last reporting period.
- No more than 60 period absences (10 days), excused or unexcused, per semester.
- No more than 120 period absences (20 days), excused or unexcused, for the year.
- Mo more than 15 total tardies to all classes during the last reporting period.
- No more than 4 disciplinary referrals to the Dean's office
- No more than 4 dress code citations per year.
- All detention hours must be cleared, including Saturday School hours.
- All book fines and other financial obligations paid.
- Complete Eligibility Form submitted to Dean's office by the posted deadline.
We encourage students to be "students in good standing" first, before they are privileged to participate in events sponsored by Blair High School. Students must obtain an ACTIVITIES CLEARANCE FORM from the Dean's office, signed by an administrator, prior to participation in any extra-curricular activity. The Activities Clearance Form must also be submitted before purchasing tickets to school events.
Senior Activities: are for senior participation and their guests. Freshmen and sophomores are not permitted to attend senior events (e.g. Grad Nite, Prom, etc.) Juniors may participate in senior activities if invited by a senior. Seniors are to purchase tickets to events in person; they may not send someone else to do it for them.
Dean's Office Approval: All guests to school events must be approved by the Dean's office. Guest permits can be picked up in the Student Center or Dean's office. A guest permit will be processed by the dean's office at least three (3) days prior to the event.
Any student or guest whose conduct during a school event is disruptive, or dangerous, to the orderly and safe proceeding of the event will be escorted from the area and possibly subjected to appropriate disciplinary consequences.
Before a student athlete is eligible to participate on any athletic team, she/he must meet eligibility criteria. See details here.